Miles Straume
Miles Straume was a spiritualist who was born in March 1977 to Lara and Pierre Chang. At the age of four months, Miles was taken to California by his mother, forced to leave the Island in a general evacuation ordered by Dr. Chang in anticipation of the Incident. As he grew up, Miles discovered that he had a unique
ability to extract information from deceased bodies through what he called a "feeling".
Many years later, Miles was recruited by Naomi Dorrit to join a science team that arrived on the Island aboard the freighter Kahana. He parachuted onto the Island and was met by the survivors of Flight 815, who at first didn't trust him or the rest of the science team. Miles's mission on the Island was to capture Benjamin Linus, but he later offered to tell his employer that Ben was dead in exchange for $3.2 million (double what Widmore offered him). As the survivors made their plan to escape the Island on the Kahana, Miles informed fellow science team member Daniel Faraday that he was planning on staying.
When Ben moved the Island, Miles and his fellow castaways skipped through time, at one point coming to be held captive by Richard Alpert in 1954, and finally ending up in the 1970s. There, they joined the DHARMA Initiative, which put Miles in proximity with his late parents and, later, himself as a baby. After three years with the DHARMA Initiative, the Oceanic Six returned to the Island following the crash of Ajira Airways 316, and their cover was blown, whereupon Miles revealed his identity to his father. Miles assisted Jack with his plan to change the past, saving his father at the Swan construction site in the process.
After Juliet detonated a nuclear bomb, Miles time-traveled to his original timeline of 2007, having survived the blast. Miles stayed behind with Sawyer to help bury Juliet, whereupon he relayed her last thoughts to Sawyer: "It worked". Later, Miles and Sawyer were abducted by the Others and taken to the Temple, where they witnessed the miraculous healing of Sayid. When the Temple Massacre began, Miles and Kate, who were trying to escape together, eventually got split up and Miles barricaded himself in a room where he was then rescued by Ilana. Miles then read the ashes of Jacob and confirmed to Ilana that it was in fact Ben who killed him. The group, along with Frank and Sun, returned to the beach where Miles dug up the diamonds from the graves of Nikki and Paulo, and kept them. Later, Jack, Hurley and Richard came and joined their camp.
After Ilana's death, Miles joined Ben and Richard on a mission to blow up the Ajira plane to prevent the Man in Black from leaving the Island. The group ventured to the Black Rock for more dynamite, where they witnessed Hurley blow it up. When the group reached the Barracks, their alternate source for explosives, they met Charles Widmore, who told them he had already sabotaged the plane. When the Man in Black arrived, following Widmore and Zoe, Miles fled into the jungle, where he found Richard unconscious from trying to reason with the black smoke. The two of them headed for Hydra Island to finish what they started, whereupon they found Frank floating in the ocean with the debris from the submarine explosion, and Frank suggested they use the plane to fly away so the Man in Black wouldn't be able to escape. The three of them repaired Ajira Fight 316 and left the Island, along with Claire, Sawyer, and Kate.
In the flash sideways, Miles was an LAPD detective partnered with Sawyer. He didn't move on with the other survivors instead he spent his life making up for lost time with his father.
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